
“We came across Jenny’s name in a book related to gut health, and we contacted her for help and advice with regards to improving our child’s eating habits. Jenny made an instant impact – we found her to be very knowledgable and someone who we could trust. She identified the exact issues with eating and came up with a detailed plan that was bespoke and very simple to understand and follow. Her comprehensive guidance and her detailed notes including recipes were enormously helpful.

Jenny is supportive and practical, and she constructively challenged our myths and pre-conceived thoughts about food and health. She has deep knowledge about gut health, nutrition and the latest research on modern diet. She is also a warm and friendly person, who makes you instantly comfortable.

Our boy has benefitted greatly and we have a good structure in place for him to follow Jenny’s dietary advice. We would be happy to speak to anyone and would recommend Jenny fully.

Many thanks, S and R, parents of A (London)”


“I first heard of Jenny through a personal recommendation. Jenny was spoken of with great warmth by a fellow parent. This parent described a substantial and positive impact on her child’s well-being and health as a result of Jenny’s nutritional guidance and the interventions they applied.

My son has certain characteristics of sensory processing issues, ASD and ADHD. Jenny and I carefully tracked behaviour and worked through two trial “restricted” diets. We also added supplements and ran a urine test to examine gut behaviour. I asked her an array of questions regarding my son, his routines and school experience. Jenny also visited my son within his school setting, providing clear and practical guidance on how to bring in additional snacks and avoid foods leading to over stimulation.

Jenny is warm, focused, articulate, well-informed and highly professional. She supported my son and I personally and is responsive both on email and via personal messages. She provided ideas, recipes, tips and our discussion reflected her experience as both a skilled nutritionist and as a fellow mother.

Jenny inspires trust and offers insight into the world of nutrition and its impact on childhood in particular. She is aware of the many nuances with regard to parenting, feeding and nurturing a child with unique learning differences and all that entails. She’s realistic that occasional treats such as a lovely scoop of ice cream are welcomed and part of life as a child. She’s also practical; her decisions are evidence-based and their implementation is considered carefully alongside her advice. The world of therapists offering support to “neurodiverse” children is wide and varied and at times can feel unregulated. Jenny stands out as a parent with knowledge of this world and a skilled practitioner regarding how nutrition can impact the individual development of a child. She also advised me on how to bring in practical support and at times to step back from formal therapeutic input in favour of common sense and good parenting skills. I consider Jenny an ally to my son and our family and will continue to recommend her to many other parents. “


“We had a beautiful, perfect baby. Developmentally she was on time or ahead of her peers, she could run when she was 10 months old, very alert, perfect eye contact, said her first words on time. People would stare at her all the time. Little did we know that later people would be staring at us for entirely different reasons, for the strange noises and behaviours of my lovely daughter. 

We were in denial for a long time (it hit me hard when we accepted the reality, and I started treatment for depression). We had a long wait to receive an official diagnosis from the NHS. Our daughter was finally diagnosed with ASD when she was 3 years and 9 months old. We asked the professionals what we could do about it, but they had was no answer. Even prior to the diagnosis we were searching for a way to help our lovely daughter, but the advice was that ASD is lifelong and there is no treatment for it.  Eventually we heard about the GAPS diet and we contacted Dr Natasha Campbell. She gave us a list of practitioners. We checked all of the practitioners thoroughly, went through their websites and we saw Jenny Edelstein was particularly focused on ASD. After talking to her on phone, we decided to go with Jenny, which later proved to be the right decision. Our daughter was 3 years and 10 months old when we saw Jenny, she wasn’t talking, couldn’t understand anything we were saying, she was in nappies, no interaction with peers, always fidgeting. She was eating only croissants, bread, pasta, sweetened yoghurt and a lot of sweets. We were giving her sweets out of desperation otherwise she would scream and cry constantly.

When we met Jenny we felt she was trustworthy and she knew what she was talking about. She wasn’t making any promises but we felt so hopeful about the future. She was very professional but kind at the same time. She told us what to do with clear instructions, assured us that if we followed the instructions exactly we would get great results. I trusted Jenny but at first I expected we would do a lot of things, like chelation etc. I just wanted a quick miracle . When we left I told my husband: “all Jenny is saying is that she will improve with the right food and supplements, aren’t we going to do a lot of other things?” He reassured me that Jenny knew the right way. Deep inside I knew they were right. Later I understood that deciding to work with Jenny was the best decision. We left tears and desperation, and followed Jenny’s instructions. 

Unbelievably we saw changes immediately. The very first week without sugar and carbohydrates was like a dream. Our daughter was calmer, happier, eating whole fruits and meat (she had not eaten meat since she was 2). 

A few weeks later our daughter started to join story time at nursery. Previously she was taken to another room alone with a teacher during story times due to disrupting the other children. 

Jenny has been always supportive, she has an answer for all of our questions, she monitors progress closely and that’s very motivating. 

Two and a half months later our daughter was in totally different place. Jenny decided to run some tests and the test results showed gut issues, parasitic infection, yeast overgrowth. She treated everything in a natural way, without antibiotics. Four months later when we ran the tests again, all of the issues had disappeared. 

Two months after we started with Jenny, the lockdown started, so we stopped sending our daughter to nursery. After lockdown eased, when she returned to nursery, the teachers, Sen-co and the headteacher were shocked by the improvement. They congratulated us, and thought it was miracle. Our daughter could greet them, answer their questions, she wasn’t in nappies anymore. We could talk to them without her crying . 

Jenny did an amazing job. We are grateful to her – she saved our daughter. Now, after eight months of treatment, our daughter is four and a half, and she can express what she wants. Shopping with her used to be a nightmare but now it is pleasure; she tells us “I want grapes, I want raspberries .” It’s so beautiful to hear that. When she eats something that she really likes, she says “mmm bely bely nice .” 

A few months after Jenny’s treatment we started ABA therapy, and she is progressing with ABA, she can read words and soon she will be reading books. The diet and supplements helped her immensely, without them she would not be learning . 

We have no doubt we’ve made the best decision by following Jenny. She is great as a professional with experience and she understands you as a mother because she’s been there as well. I think the first-hand experience makes a huge difference. 

In March 2020 the NHS Educational Psychologist assessment report showed our daughter’s development at the range of 11 to 18 months old. Today 12/10/2020 we’ve received an EP report showing her development at the range of 31 to 35 months. It’s a great improvement in a short time. The report continues with these words “Her ability is likely to determine the extent to which she can overcome her autism .” We have won some battles, victory is to come! ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼

With Jenny, we’ve achieved a lot. It’s only been eight months. Our daughter is totally different, and we know that in a year’s time or so she will be indistinguishable from her peers. Looking forward to the victory! 

I’d like to say to parents of kids on the spectrum: “Don’t accept the situation, fight for your child, start with Jenny, trust her, she will help your child get out of that world of unknown, clear the fog.” 

Thank you Jenny with all my heart.” C and K, parents of S (London)


“I have contacted Jenny after reading online about the GAPS diet. I needed a consultant to help me implement this diet at home for my sons diagnosed with ADHD/Asperger and found her website while browsing online. I found Jenny extremely helpful, giving advice on how to introduce the diet to our family as well as practical recommendations on how to cook GAPS child friendly meals. The diet had an incredible impact, with a remarkable improvement in my sons communication skills and interest. GAPS is a difficult diet and Jenny made this journey possible, otherwise impossible for me to follow without support. I totally recommend to contact Jenny to anyone thinking of changing or even auditing their diet!” VM (London)